Is this thing on?
Hello & welcome to my new blog.
I have been blogging away for the last six years. I have written about crafting, house renovation, my love of outdoors and life in general. I can say with certainty that there are only a about a dozen people in the whole world who read it.
I loved my little Blogger blog, it was so pretty! but the time had come to make a change.
Not being a technical sort, I asked the lovely people in the blog world about upgrading and they all said the same thing, “WordPress”.
So, I set about reading everything I could, I read links on Twitter (thank you Corinne @skinnedcartree) I got advice from Facebook groups (Fabulous Business Women, you are just that!) and launched myself into a serious learning curve.
“It’s so much easier than Blogger” I was told….. that may be true for a regular person, but I am so right brained it’s a wonder I can function at all! That is not self criticism, just something you should know about me, you know, in case you want to visit again.
So, here I am. I suppose I should tell you a bit about me. I am 47, my job is teaching craft classes around the country (best job ever!) and I make my art into gifts that I sell at craft fairs, some galleries and on my Etsy shop. I have three kids (who pretend to be grown ups), one partner (Tim) and two dogs, Toby & Boo.
There will be a mix of posts, but I hope that you will enjoy visiting.
See you soon,
Felicia xx