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In Classes/ Craft/ Painting

In Person Classes

In Person Classes are back!!

I am thrilled to announce that I will be teaching three separate classes in Cork.

The lovely Susan Herlihy is hosting a series of art classes at her studio in Midleton.

I have the privilege of starting off her “Crafty Hands Create” programme on Saturday June 17th.

At 10.30 – 1pm I will be teaching the “Whimsical Florals” class.

During this class we will get passed the idea of how things ‘should’ look and create florals from your imagination.

Don’t worry if you are new to painting, I will explain every step. You will learn how to choose your colour palette, and what brushes work best for this style.

At the end of the class you will have a framed painting ready to take home, and hopefully a spark of interest to do more!

Then from 2-4pm it is Beaded Jewellery time.


This class is great for people who prefer crafting to painting.

You will get to use pliers and crimping tools to create a necklace and earrings.

It can be a little fiddly so if you wear glasses for close work then please bring them!

Just so you know, the colours we use on the day may vary from the photo.

All the findings (hooks and clasps etc) are nickel free and hypoallergenic.

For this class there are only six places and for the painting class there are eight.

If you would like to book a spot please email Susan on craftyhands@outlook.ie

or call her on 087 902 8186.

The third class is very special. It takes place on 19th August from 10.30 to 4pm

I am calling it the Meraki art journal class.

“What does that mean?” I hear you ask…..

Well, Meraki means this:

This deserves it’s own post to explain it, so I will do just that!

In Craft/ House Love/ Painting


Polly Dolly Cushions are here!

Thanks to the amazing people at Pixalili in Donegal, I now have a lovely range of hand sewn cushions.



(Pink Polly)

Measuring 50 cm square, they are made of 100% cotton with a polyester pillow stuffer inside.

The backing fabric is a lovely duck egg blue cotton…. they are such amazing quality, I’m so impressed with the way they have been made!

At the moment I have three different designs, Pink Polly, The Bride & Groom and The Travelling Boy.


(Bride & Groom)

(The Travelling Boy)

I like to think that each of these little characters has a story of their own. The Travelling Boy, is bravely exploring the world in his Land Rover. In the background of his cushion you can find maps and a compass  – very important for adventuring!

The Bride & Groom, are madly in love, they make each other laugh, respect each other and will always together.

Pink Polly is a little fairy, you can just see her gossamer wings. She likes to cast spells of bravery and confidence on those around her, believing that we can all achieve our dreams.

If you think any of these cushions would be a perfect gift for someone in your life ( or maybe you want to treat yourself),

just click on the names under each picture. This will take you directly to my Etsy shop where you can see all the details.

I have ordered two more designs, which hopefully will be here soon…..

They will all be coming with me to Art Source at the RDS in Dublin. I’ll be there from Thursday 8th to Sunday 11th November, stand A55, so if you are visiting come and say hello.

I have also been painting away to make a new collection for Art Source, It features quirky houses, which is not really a big surprise is it?!

I will try to get some images up soon.

Enjoy whats left of the Bank Holiday,

F xx



In Blogging/ Craft/ Painting

Quilt update.

Quilt update.

Remember that quilt?

I’m pretty sure my last blog post said something like,” Tune in next week for an update…”

well, here it is almost a month later!

I actually did finish it within that first week, of course you’ll just have to take my word for it, but I did.

But here it is!

Quilt update

(That chair was once teak with a really rotten gold draylon seat cover – but that’s another story).

Quilt update

The pink velvet was perfect as a backing. It’s so soft!

Quilt update

Aren’t they the prettiest colours? Tilda fabric is just lovely, I got mine from the Crafty Fox  but i’m not sure of the name of this particular collection.

Quilt update

Toby has declared it suitable for cuddling up on. He likes to burrow underneath of it so he can sit on the velvety side. I could try and keep him off of it, keep it ‘for best’, but along with everything else in this house, it was made to be used.

What else has happened since my last post?

Well, last Sunday I was at the Airport hotel in Cork for the Cloggers event. Marie and Shell put a huge amount of work into these events and I was really pleased to get to one. Cloggers are a group of bloggers in the Cork region ( I think it covers most of Munster) they blog about many subjects from fashion, make up, lifestyle & healthy eating to Horror themed books! 

As usual there were a great bunch of people there with some lovely stands.

Ebony and I put our work together for this one:


Quilt update


Quilt update

I happen to think this little rabbit is the cutest thing in the world!

(Available from The Little Things Company)

So, that has been my month, thank you for stopping by!

F xx

In Painting

First Birthday Present.

First Birthday Present.

When I dear friend asked me to make her Granddaughters first birthday present, I was quite chuffed!


First Birthday Present

Purple hair, don’t care!

She chose the Polly Mermaid print, of all of the Polly Dollies I think this is her favourite.

Originally she wanted a purple frame. But having looked at lots of different shades, she chose a pale green. So, tomorrow I will go the Killarney Framer to pick out the frame. John who owns the business is really helpful. I’m hoping he can make the frame but let me put the image in myself – that way I can paint the frame just the right shade.

A painting for a first birthday is a lovely idea. She will always have it, she won’t outgrow it, it will always remind her of her Grandma. That’s kind of sweet don’t you think?

Felicia xx

p.s. How is this year going for you so far?

Mine of is full of learning new things and taking cider vinegar everyday….. i’ll let you know how it goes!



In Blogging/ Life in General/ Painting

That Friday Feeling!

That Friday Feeling!

For some reason I am filled with Fridayosity today. This is odd since I don’t have a Monday to Friday job, but lets go with it anyway!

What do I have to show you today? well, I finished the painting of the little creatures that weren’t pigs. They are in fact ‘Spoonlings’ ( I told you my head was a bit strange). I’m not sure where they live yet, but I have some other little illustrations of them in the making. I’m very fond of them indeed.

That Friday feeling.


What else?

As tomorrow is the first of October, I decided it was time to put out some Autumn decorations. Last year I had a lovely table decoration (as you can see here) so I used the same again. I added some oak leaves , acorns and leaves from the Virginia Creeper which turn a beautiful red colour at this time of year.

That Friday feeling.

This is a very subtle lead up to the Halloween decorations…. As there are no kiddos at home anymore I cannot pretend to be putting them up for them, but they’re gong up anyway!

That Friday feeling


I like this, we’ll see how close I get to it. There are so many Halloween decor ideas on Pinterest I could get completely carried away, all I need is a local pumpkin patch and a black cat (surprisingly hard to find!)

I will be working like a mad woman to put the finishing touches to all the bits and pieces i’m bringing to Meath.  I am now the proud owner of a travelling display wall (another ingenious invention from Tim) so I can display the paintings I may or may not get finished. My Christmas cards arrived from the printers today so that’s another thing ready to go. Its coming together and my aim is to be packed and ready a full 24 hours before I leave, not racing around at the last minute….. We can but hope.

Wishing you all lots of that Fridayosity feeling, have a great weekend.

Felicia xx

In Craft/ Life in General/ Painting

The Paint Bug.

The Paint Bug.

The last few weeks have been a bit crazy. A lot crazy actually. We were away on holiday, then Zac went back to college. Tim had an minor surgery and then we had a family wedding. The holiday and wedding were fantastic and the surgery and college move went smoothly. I’m not complaining at all, it was a great month, but I am totally wrecked!

This week I have had the luxury of mostly staying at home. Of course, as soon as I stopped racing around I caught a cold (doesn’t that always happen?) so I’m really making the most of it. Being at home doesn’t mean nothing to do though, I have taken a stall at the Women’s Inspire network event which is on the 5th October. This is a bit of a leap of faith, but nothing ventured and all that. I will need stock to sell, the cards are ready. The fauxdori’s are ready, the aprons arrived today, but I don’t have any paintings.

This was my desk today.

The Paint bug.

Fortunately, today was the day the paint bug hit! which means I don’t want to do anything else but paint pictures.

I set a task of finishing six 5″x 5″ paintings which of course I didn’t! Although I finished and framed two and drew out some outline ideas for the others I got stuck on the last one.

I love to paint houses, so I drew out some of those. After that I drew some floral outlines, and then while I was doodling these little characters appeared. I love it when that happens, I’m just painting away minding my own business and suddenly these little creatures turn up saying, “paint us, paint us!”



Because I have a very strange imagination (I’ve always said my head is a lovely place to live) they suddenly developed names and hobbies and a bit of a story…… and now I’ll never get the other paintings finished!

The paint bug.

This is what they look like so far. Meet Doris and Hector! They look a bit like pigs but they won’t be when they’re finished, I really hope I can make them look like they do in my head.

I wonder if you can set up a stall with just two finished paintings?

If you are going to the Women’s Inspire event in Meath then please come and say hello, then you’ll see how many paintings I actually got finished!

Felicia xx

In Painting

Stormy Weekends.

It has been a wild and stormy weekend here, perfect for making soup (Mary Berry’s butternut squash soup, which was even nicer the next day*) and then locking myself away in the art room (that sounds very grand – its not, its a lovely 8x10ft room where we keep and do anything art related.)
Anyhoo, I did a couple of tiny 5×5″ paintings with a ‘Home’ theme and then I did this.

I haven’t painted a new doll for ages, mainly because it takes forever since THAT FATEFUL DAY, but eventually this one appeared, again it is 5×5″ but now i’m thinking she needs a sentiment. I think she should say something positive, something to remind anyone who sees this that they are enough just as they are.


I think I like this one, “Believe in you” because self doubt is a bitch.

I stamp them out on paper so I can move them around and make sure i’m happy with the positioning and then take a leap of faith and stamp permanent ink onto the picture – which is a pain if it goes wrong because then I have to try and paint it out.

Right, its still blowing a gale here, storm Imogen has a lot to say. I have to venture out to the Post Office (to post my Valentine swap, which I will show pictures of once Kay has received it) and to walk the dogs then I will be brave and add some lettering.

The * in the first sentence is a disclaimer….I didn’t actually make the soup, Tim did, I just watched. Thank you Tim! x

Have a great week,
F xx