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Felicia the Artist

In Felicia the Artist

Painting Paths to Inner Peace.


‘Painting Paths to Inner Peace’ is an immersive art program designed to foster mental wellness, team building and  stress relief within corporate environments.

Through sessions that combine mixed media art techniques, visualization and relaxation skills, employees will embark on a journey of self-discovery, creativity and personal development.

P.P.I.P. offers a holistic approach to corporate wellness. Integrating art, manifestation and problem solving skills it promotes a healthy and harmonious work environment and increases motivation.

Through creative expression and shared experiences, participants will emerge refreshed, inspired and equipped with valuable tools for navigating the challenges of modern life, both at work and day to day.

Artistic skill is not a prerequisite, the focus is on self expression and self care.

Team building.

These sessions work by encouraging camaraderie and trust through shared creative experiences, breaking down barriers and promoting a sense of belonging.

Empowering participants to support each other in their artistic journeys, fostering a culture of collaboration, empathy and self empowerment.

Provide practical tools and techniques for managing stress and maintaining mental well-being in the workplace.

Highlight the role of art in promoting eco-consciousness and sustainability, aligning with corporate values of environmental responsibility.

Creativity goes hand in hand with thinking outside the box.

Thinking outside the box equals excellent problem solving skills.

  1. We start by gathering a group of up to twenty participants in a suitable space for the three hour session. With people working in remote and hybrid settings it is useful to gather together to increase camaraderie.
  2. By sharing experiences of overcoming challenges using art techniques and the power of visualization I demonstrate the possibilities available when we use our creative (right side) brain.
  3. The science behind manifestation, visualization and creativity bring proven results for increasing motivation.

Basic instruction is provided on art materials and techniques, emphasizing the use of recycled and eco-friendly products.


Encourage participants to tap into their intuition and emotions, fostering a non-judgmental atmosphere of expression and creative thinking.

Guide participants through a series of art exercises designed to promote relaxation, focus, and self-awareness.

Facilitate discussions on the significance of individual artworks, promoting reflection and connection within the group.


  • Encourage participants to reflect on their experience and insights gained during the session.
  • Offer resources and suggestions for incorporating art-based wellness practices into daily routines.
  • Facilitate group discussions on how to apply what was learnt during the session to work and personal life situations
  • Provide ongoing support and follow-up opportunities for continued engagement and growth.

      Participants of this non- traditional art session will come away with the skills to manage stress, relax and boost their mental health through the modality of art.

They will have learnt the mindfulness skills to manage anxiety, to respond rather than react which is key to smooth communication.

This results in a calmer, more efficient and happier workforce and therefore a

more productive work place environment.

 This is a fun session that results in personal development, self empowerment and confidence.

 Participants learn how to ground themselves, relax, and boost their mental health

through the modality of art.



In Felicia the Artist

Welcome to 2024!

Welcome to 2024!

This last year seems to have passed in a very busy blur.

It was summer, Halloween and then Christmas in the space of about six weeks!

I always love twixtmas – that lovely time warp between Christmas day and being back to work in the new year.

No one knows what day it is, there are many pyjama days and wet and windy walks.

Lots of time spent eating and drinking with family and friends.

And having no idea what day the bins go out….. ( I missed mine 🙁 )


What did I learn in 2023?

At the start of the summer I decided to give up my part time job and be a market seller.

I spent every Friday and Sunday from the start of June to the end of August at markets.

Then from the start of November till the weekend before Christmas, nothing but fairs.

This was me at the Art & Craft Fair in the Glucksman Gallery, Cork.

(Just in case we haven’t met!)

I loved it!

I met hundreds of people, had loads of chats and sent lots of Polly Dollies off to their new homes.

In all of those chats, two questions kept coming up.

The first was,

Is this all your own work?

Yes!! Its all me.

From creating the original to making the prints. From learning to use Canva so I can have branded packaging.

Ordering materials and keeping accounts (the worst job..)

Though sometimes my Mum and her friend Susan help with tying the ribbons onto the bookmarks.



The second question was:

Do you have a Polly Dolly with blonde hair and blue eyes?

“Of course” said I.

But do you know what? I actually don’t!

People buy my prints because they remind them of someone. They have a granddaughter with red hair or a friend who loves foxes.

So, of course people want a Polly with blonde hair and blue eyes, so guess what I’ve been doing this last week?

This is Eliza, she is a work in progress. she needs a backing and a sentiment, but at least she has a name!

My twixtmas has been wonderfully slow. I am rested and ready for whatever adventures 2024 brings.

I could tell you I plan to blog and send a newsletter out regularly, but that would just make us all laugh wouldn’t it?

If you would like the very (very) odd newsletter then you can sign up here

scroll down to the bottom of the page, I haven’t worked out how to move it to the top yet…….

Wishing you a very healthy, happy and peaceful 2024.

Come and join me on Instagram to see how Eliza turns out.

Have the loveliest day,

Felicia xx


In Felicia the Artist

When things come (nearly) full Circle.

It is January 2023 and this week this happened. I was the featured artist in the ‘Meet the Maker’ piece in the online Irish Country Living Magazine. This is part of the Farmers Journal Newspaper.

Now, I am not from farming stock. I had no idea how popular this publication is around the country, but it is, and although this is an online piece and not in the actual printed supplement I am still chuffed to bits.

The reason I am particularly chuffed to be in this publication actually has quite a long story.

(Perhaps you’d better make a cup of tea)

When I very first started thinking I would like an arty business, way back in 2010, I was sent to my Local Enterprise Office. (L.E.O)

Now, at the time I was trying to put into words the vision I had. I wanted to make art and gifts with my art on and sell them.

I got to see a nice man at the LEO. He was more familiar with people wanting to be website designers, or to open a coffee shop. He wasn’t really sure what to do with me.

To be fair, I might have implied I wanted to have a range of homewares with my designs on, that would sell all over the country.

I was a little bit ahead of myself!  (That dream isn’t dead by the way!)


The next time I went to see him, I was in the waiting room and there was an Irish country Living magazine.

I was flicking through it and came across an interview with Carlow artist, Clare Jordan.

She was making beautiful gifts, they were pink and glittery, had vintage ladies and sassy sayings.

(Clare Jordan Artist Extraordinaire!)

I marched into the meeting, showed him the article and said, “This. This  is what I want to do”

So with the help of that article he knew that selling my work to shops was the way forward.

This is where serendipity steps in.

At that time, the LEO had funding for training.

I found out the Kelly Rae Roberts was running an online course for creative businesses.

Now, if you don’t know, Kelly Rae Roberts is an American artist. She has a huge following and I love her art.

It was quite expensive but I was granted funding so I signed up.

There were participants from all over the world, but only two from Ireland – me and Clare Jordan.

What are the chances?! We became friends and Clare invited me to her home studio.

She was very generous with her advice and hugely encouraging, I can safely say, one of the nicest women I have met.

So, that is why this article means a lot to me.

Perhaps someone read it and was encouraged to start their creative journey.

I hope so, that would make my day.

As I said, ALMOST full circle – not quite in the magazine itself, but still in Irish country Living!

Felicia xx







In Felicia the Artist

Why I paint art with sentiment.

Art with sentiment

A while ago, the lovely Evelyn Woodard invited me to take part in a series was doing about the woman behind the business.

I have all the usual insecurities about having my photo taken. My nose is too big, people will think I have notions….. but the best bit about being over fifty is that I care less and less with each year!

So, while we were looking at the images we were discussing being at the “Empty Nester” stage of life, which lead to talking about all the different stages we go through as women, what we learn and what we choose to do with our lives.

Let me tell you a bit about why my journey as a Mum has lead to painting art with sentiments.

When I was at school and people asked what I wanted to do when I left school I always said the same thing, ” I want to be  Mum”. I wanted to create a magical childhood full or stories and love, one that my children would look back on happily.

After school I went to college to train as a nursery nurse and worked as a nanny. Then at the ridiculously young age of 21 I had my first daughter, followed by my second daughter at 24 and my son at 26.

Things were very different then, if you weren’t married by the time you were 24 you were on the shelf – I realise how old that sentence makes me seem!!!

Anyway, back to the sentiments.

I have always been a great believer in visualisation.

I was living in London when my eldest was born. Her Dad was working all hours, we rented a tiny flat that didn’t have heating (which made the rent affordable) and my family were living in Kent so I didn’t see them that often. We were also as broke as broke can be.

I was desperately lonely. This was before internet, I often think what a difference it would have made if I could have been in online groups at that stage. There were very few ‘Mummy groups’ you could go to there. There were a few Mother & Toddler, but my baby was weeks old. I was that annoying woman at these groups that walked in, said hello and then wanted to be your best friend…… It was obvious I was in the wrong group, my baby was too young for the other mums to find a connection and I probably did seem a little bit weird. Looking back it was definitely post natal depression after a very traumatic birth, but if we talk about that now you’ll never hear about the paintings!

So, to escape the cold ( She was born in early January) I would put her in a sling and we would go on adventures.

They only became adventures as she grew to a toddler, she would ask me to tell her about our ‘adventures’ when she was a baby, at the time they were just us gallavanting around on the Tube or buses. We went to every museum and gallery, we went so often that people who worked there would see my little bundle in her pink furry hat stuffed into her sling and ask how she was getting on. We went to Hyde park, we would go to libraries to borrow books and Oxford and Regent street for window shopping.

When we went to Oxford Street I would go into John Lewis (it’s a very nice department store if you didn’t know) I would walk through every department and plan my dream house. I knew living in London in a tiny flat with no friends was NOT the life I was meant to have. I was meant to live the life I saw in my head, in a house with a lovely wooden kitchen table, a house full of friends, a house with more babies in, and most importanatly a house full of love.

I would always have a notebook with me and would write down the exact set of tableware, I would pick out wallpaper, I created a whole other world in my head. I had no idea how I was going to achieve these things but I just believed they were for me.

I would also write stories as if I was already this dream life, and at the top of every page I would write:

Dream your biggest dreams everyday and one day they will be real.


You think now that I’m going to tell you it all came true don’t you?

Well in a way it did. What happens is, your dreams change as you get older. I moved to Ireland which hadn’t been on my list, but hay-ho, and after a very dodgy start, (moving to another country is strange and takes a lot of getting used to) I had my second daughter and then my son. We moved into a rented house. It was just built so it literally had cement floors but it had three bedrooms and a garden and although we were still broke I gradually started to make it the home I had dreamt of.

Years and years later when I started to paint my little whimsical characters the first sentiment I painted was this:

Art with sentiment

My eldest daughter now has a home of her own but every time I look at this painting I am reminded of our adventures. Of how by really, really believing in your dreams and trusting that things can only get better they do. It might not be in the way you originally thought, and let me tell you, things got a lot rougher before they got better, but here I am, happy and grateful.

Art with Sentiment

This is Mabel, I chose to use her as my logo and business card because of the power of that sentiment. I’m not finished dreaming and I continue to write this down daily.

I hope when you look at my paintings you feel the love, the magic, the lessons, the support and when you give them as a gift to someone ( or to yourself) those sentiments go with them.

F xx

In Felicia the Artist

Art Sale Details.

Painting Details and prices:

Images can be seen here:


Image 1: I MISS YOU – 8″x8″, black wooden frame with glass. Watercolour and mixed media. Was €50.00 now €35.00


Image 2: PICKED FROM THE GARDEN- Blue wood frame, no glass. Acrylic. Was€50.00 now €35.00


Image 3: LOVEBIRD – 5×5″ Acrylic image in 10×10″ white deep edge frame with glass. Was €45.00 now €25.00


Image 4: HILL HOUSE – 5×5″ Acrylic image in 10×10″ white deep edge frame with glass. Was €45.00 now €25.00


Image 5: RAINY DAYS – 5×5″ Acrylic image in 10×10″ white deep edge frame with glass. Was €45.00 now €25.00


Image 6: TIME FLIES – 5×5″ Acrylic image in 10×10″ white deep edge frame with glass. Was €45.00 now €25.00


Image 7: WELCOME BABY BOY – 5×5″ Acrylic image in 10×10″ white deep edge frame with glass. Was €45.00 now €25.00


Image 8: LIME BICYCLE – 5×5″ Acrylic image in 10×10″ white deep edge frame with glass. Was €45.00 now €25.00


Image 9: BUBBLEGUM BICYCLE – 5×5″ Acrylic image in 10×10″ white deep edge frame with glass. Was €45.00 now €25.00


Image 10: NEST – 5×5″ Acrylic image in 10×10″ white deep edge frame with glass. Was €45.00 now €25.00


Image 11: BLUE PRAM – 5×5″ Acrylic image in 10×10″ white deep edge frame with glass. Was €45.00 now €25.00


Image 12: WAITING: 5×5″ Acrylic image in 10×10″ white deep edge frame with glass. Was €45.00 now €25.00


Image 13: HOPE – 5×5″ Acrylic image in 10×10″ white deep edge frame with glass. Was €45.00 now €25.00


Image 14: BLUE PRAM 2 – 5×5″ Acrylic image in 10×10″ white deep edge frame with glass. Was €45.00 now €25.00


Image 15: STARRY NIGHT – 5×5″ Acrylic image in 10×10″ white deep edge frame with glass. Was €45.00 now €25.00


Image 16: PEA GREEN – 5×5″ Acrylic image in 10×10″ white deep edge frame with glass. Was €45.00 now €25.00


Image 17: FLOWERS IN JARS – 18″ X 14″ stretched canvas, Acrylic, unframed. Was €100 now €50.00


Image 18: LAVENDER & SAGE – 15″ x 12″Acrylic in Limed wood frame, no glass. Was €80.00 now €40.00


Image 19: HOPE – 19″ x 26″ Acrylic Whimsical Floral, Limed wood frame with glass. Was €320 now €200


Image 20: HONESTY: 19″ x 25″ Acrylic Whimsical Floral, Limed wood frame with glass. Was €320 now €200


Image 21: HAPPINESS – 19″ x 26″ Acrylic Whimsical Floral, Limed wood frame with glass. Was €320 now €200


Image 22: STILLNESS – 11″ x 13″ Acrylic Whimsical Floral, Limed wood frame with glass. Was €110 now €50


Image 23: CALM – 11″ x 13″ Acrylic Whimsical Floral, Limed wood frame with glass. Was €110 now €50


Image 24: FREYA – 21″ X 21″ Watercolour and Mixed Media. Professionally framed in a deep edge white wood frame with glass. Was €450 now €300


Image 25: WOODLAND GODDESS – 19″ X 16″ Watercolour and mixed media on heavy card, unframed. Was €50 now €35.00


Image 26: POLLY STAR – 30x 40 cm Limited edition print in a white frame. Was €70 now €40


Image 27: THE TRAVELLING BOY – 30x 40 cm Limited edition print in a white frame. Was €70 now €40


Image 28: MABEL – – 30 x 40 cm Limited edition print in a white frame. Was €70 now €40


Image 28: POLLY HEART – 30 x 40 cm Limited edition print in a white frame. Was €70 now €40


Image 29: MISS POLLY DOLLY – 30 x 40 cm Limited edition print in a white frame. Was €70 now €40


Image 30: FLORA – 16” x 13” Acrylic, professionally framed in gold. Was €145 now €100


Image 31: MILLICENT – 16” x 13” Acrylic, professionally framed in gold. Was €145 now €100


Image 32: ROSIE – 16” x 13” Acrylic, professionally framed in gold. Was €145 now €100





In Blogging/ Felicia the Artist

Art Sale

Art SaleArt Sale.

Is there anybody out there?

Probably not, It has been more than a year since my last blog post.

I like to blog to give myself a visual diary, so I’m blogging today.

This morning I took a notion to sort out my art room. Oh my goodness, why did I start?

Everytime I do this (which admittedly is only about every two years) I end up getting rid of a ton of stuff.

Last time I had recently stopped teaching childrens art classes at home, so I gave loads of things to the local school.

This time I was sorting paintings…… I have so many.

So, I think an Instagram art sale is in order!

I’m still working out how to do it to make it easy for the customer.

The sale will include some prints, they are being sold in Ikea frames. They are only on sale because I don’t use those frames anymore.

Some small original pieces and then two or three large pieces.

There are Polly Dollies, florals and quirky watercolour bits.

If you are on my mailing list you will get notification 24 hours before it goes live, just in case you’d like to snaffle something!

If you’d like to join the mailing list have a look on the home page of my website.

I will photographing each piece over the next few days, drop me  aline if there is something you’ve had ypur eye on.

That’s all my news for today,

F xx




In Felicia the Artist

Bite the Biscuit…

Bite The Biscuit…

Hello, it’s been a while, how are you?

I wanted to tell you about being a biscuit.

I know I’m a bit odd (all the best people are) but a biscuit?

“What like a custard cream or a chocolate digestive?” I hear you ask.

Not quite. One day I was lucky enough to meet a woman who said, “You need to join ‘Bite the Biscuit’, it’s brilliant.”

So, intrigued, I went to Facebook and requested to join this group for creatives.

It’s run by a fabulous woman named Tara Boo – she is a rare creature – she has an incredible business brain and understands that creative people (not all, but A LOT of us don’t).

Her mission in life is to get creative people of every kind, poets, photographers, cake makers, artists, life coaches,( the list goes on…) to be able to run their businesses AND MAKE MONEY.

She will not tolerate us saying, “You want to buy this thing I’ve made? but it’s not very good really – I was going to charge €100 for it, but really, you can have it for nothing…” and if you have ever tried to sell your work then I bet you’ve had that conversation!

She also has a love of cows and facial hair…….

Tara Boo

Anyway, I joined this group and here is what I found.

It is welcoming, it isn’t bitchy, no one is going to steal your ideas. It is full of people who are at different stages of their artistic journey. Some are just starting with an idea, some are turning their hobby into paying for itself, some are fully living the dream, making a decent living doing what they love.

They will all give you advice if you ask for it. They will answer questions about where to get this or that. They will share their knowledge and information about markets and exhibitions.

They will give you amazing support, the biggest cheer when you post about your work.  Tara fully encourages #ShowOffFriday do you remember the ‘Snap cup’ in Legally Blonde? Yeah, it’s like that, snaps for everyone who has something to show off about this week!

It’s like a big family. I have made so many friends and we actually get to meet up, real live Biccies all in one place. The creative energy at those meet ups in incredible – you go home totally inspired and raring to go.

There is business training, resources, even discounts from suppliers, if you want to learn how to do this properly then this is where you need to be.

You might be wondering why i’m telling you this?

Well, to keep this community going and to allow Tara to do what she does best, it’s time to give something back.

If you think you’d benefit from this group, then request to join here 

Then, you can support the group by becoming a Backer or just buy Tara a cup of coffee (virtual coffee that is) the cost of a couple of coffees can really make a difference to the artistic/ creative world


I cannot explain how much this group has changed my path as an artist (thank goodness says you, or you’d still be reading this next week!)

My name is Felicia and I am proud to be a Biscuit!

In Felicia the Artist

Spirited children…

Spirited children…

Polly Moon


Recently I made a new Polly Dolly painting, her name is Polly Moon. She is quirky (as they all are) but has a mischievous and fun loving character.

Most of the Polly’s have a positive sentiment as part of the painting. I find that people love to give a gift that conveys what they want to say. They give a gift of an art piece, it hangs on the wall and everyday the recipient knows that it was sent the message was meant for them.

When I added the sentiment to this new painting it really struck a cord, and this is why.

When I was a child I was terribly shy. Like really, really shy.

When I was a teenager I had this battle going on between wanting so badly to be different, to stand out from the crowd – but to also be invisible.

I tell you this so that you understand why I wished this for my children: To be healthy, happy and confident. Everyone wants their children to be healthy and happy obviously, but the confident bit was really important.

My second child~

My second daughter was born face up with a cross look on her face. She was nine days late, but obviously very comfy where she was and not ready to be disturbed. We named her Molly, a name I love and there weren’t many of them around at the time. When I told my brother (he lives in the south of England where they have many folk laws) he said, “well, you’ve done it now, Molly is another name for a pixie – she will be wild”

And she was.

She was into everything, she was loud, and she was absolutely fearless.

She was hugely loving, wickedly funny and adventurous.

She was not a big fan of rules, they were just there to be challenged, boundaries, just for pushing.

There were times when I was fit to scream, but do you know what? I always thought that one day, that spirit will stand to her.

We mostly grow out of our childhood traits – I stopped being as shy, now I know I’m a very happy introvert. Molly stopped rebelling against everything, she grew up to be a beautiful, loving, kind and confident young woman. But, it’s still in there, the wicked sense of humour, the adventurous spirit, it has survived despite all the rules that we (parents, school, society) try to put on children and I hope it continues to stand to her for a very long time. ♥


Polly Moon

It doesn’t just apply to my daughter of course, I love that the wanting to be different teenager is still in me. I’m sure if we look closely, there is a bit of ‘Stay Wild’ attitude in all of us and I think it makes life more fun.

F xx



In Felicia the Artist

House 2019

House 2019

(That’s me up a ladder, planning the layout)

Last weekend was the House 2019 Event in the RDS, Dublin.

I had signed up to exhibit there last December, but since I work well on a deadline is was the last two weeks that everything was finished. I had a good idea what I wanted to bring, the prints were framed, the cushions ordered but the original “Red Kettle Street” paintings and the Polly Dolly quilts were down to the wire.

Finally the car was packed and we left home at 6 am on Thursday. I was so organised. Everything was crossed off the list but what did I forget? to put diesel in the car!! Fortunately I realised before disaster struck.

There is always a lovely buzz for show set ups, you unload the car, get it all to your stand (upstairs for this show) and then stare at the blank walls wondering where to start!

A ladder and a tape measure was the first thing. Then gradually it started to take shape.

Tim came with me, he is very good at maths, I am not. So, his help with putting up the framed prints was much appreciated. I was sharing the stand with my friend Midi who does amazing work – it’s very different from mine so there is an obvious divide on the wall.

(Midi with her acrylic panels, they are so gorgeous)

With the set up done, we checked into our Air B&B then headed into town on the bus to see Rocket Man (which was brilliant).

Opening Day:

Friday arrived, we didn’t open until 12,which gave loads of time to look at all the exhibits. I got this dress in Kenmare and actually wasn’t sure about it (’tis fierce bright) but I got loads of compliments and will wear it more often now.

This was Saturday’s dress…. If you know me you’d shocked I owned a dress let alone wear one two days running!

(I realise this isn’t a fashion blog, but these things need documenting.) (Actually, it’s a ‘What ever I want to write about’ kind of blog).

This was my biggest painting, “The Star House” (it’s about 3 ft x 2 ft) it was much admired all weekend but didn’t find a new home. I’m secretly delighted because I love it. So, now we are home, unpacked, rested and ready for the next time.

I met so many lovely people from customers to other artists to the car park staff. It was amazing to see the work from the other artists, we had fantastic neighbours for our stand (Eibhilin Crossan and Miriam Dowling).

I am starting to make plans for Art Source which is back in the RDS in November. If you want to follwo the preparations for that, you can follow me on Instagram  at feliciathomas.art

Felicia xx

In Felicia the Artist

Polly & the Fox.

Polly & the Fox.

Polly & the Fox



For the first time in ages there is a new Polly Dolly.

This is Polly & the Fox.

She is a quiet & curious little thing. Her best friend in the whole world is her fox, they go everywhere together.

Their favourite thing to do is play hide & seek in the woods (hence the dried leaves in her hair), or to sit under a tree, eating cake while she reads a story to him.

This piece will be available in the ‘Shop’ link soon. It comes as a mounted or framed print.

The original will be coming with me to the House exhibition in Dublin’s R.D.S in May – but more about that another day.


I hope you have a lovely weekend,

F xx