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In Felicia the Artist

Bicycles in May.

I was recently asked by a friend to paint a picture of a red bike – her mother who has moved into a nursing home was reminiscing about a bike she had as a child, so this painting was to go in her new room.
Now, as it happens I did an online course with Jenni Horne (whose work I love) and she paints a lot of bikes, so this is what I came up with. 

This is very much Jenni’s style. I paint dollies, much more mixed media, so I am working on combining a bit of this and a bit of that to come up with something that is more”me”, my recent dollies have more black outlines which is making an interesting difference.  I suppose that is the point of online courses – you take them to learn new techniques and then you combine them with what you already know and that is how we grow our art.
I love painting in this style – the Paintsomething e-course was brilliant, I’m sure she will run it again if you are interested. In the beginning I practiced and practiced and then life got busy and I stopped for a while,  when I was asked to do this I was delighted to get back to it and then Jenni announced Paintsomething #2…… the timing could not have been better!

So, I am looking forward to learning more and maybe one day I will learn to take straight photos!!