In Felicia the Artist

A Cinderella moment!

This weekend celebrated all the Irish explorers that have been to the South Pole and a black tie ball was held by the Irish Explorers Trust. The seven (yes, seven!!!) course meal was based on the banquet that Captain Scott ate before he set off for Antarctica in 1910…..
Why am I telling you this?well, that was the reason for 60 adventurous explorers and mountaineers to get dollied up and leave there fleeces and base layers at home, and it was quite a sight! more dickie bows then you could shake a stick at!!

This is the beautiful dress that Heni Blak made for me…. i’ve never worn a full length dress before and it was really fun to dance in!!!

this is Himself all suited up, for a man who complained that he was going to look like a penguin I think he looks pretty good!!!!
So after the eating, the dancing, the laughing and talking we eventually came home in the wee small hours – I have to say its not something that happens every day but it was really fun!

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