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The Most Amazing Class Ever!


The Most Amazing Class Ever!

Last Saturday the alarm went off at 4am.

There was a very good reason for this, I had to be on the first flight to Birmingham to take part in a class given by Mr. Tim Holtz. Who? well this post won’t be nearly as exciting as I had hoped if you just asked that question. If you are a paper crafter or mixed media artist I am pretty sure that amongst your stash there is something that he has designed (if it says ‘Distress’ on the label that’s a big clue).

So, I arrived nice and early, met up with Kate and Julie and waited for the class to begin. Kate and Julie had both met Tim and Mario several times, (I had met Tim once many years ago and as it was the last day of a trade show he was tired and understandably so over smiling at the crazy woman who stood grinning like a Cheshire cat in front of him) so I was ridiculously excited when he came out and said hello to us!

The were several new products that we were working with, Collage medium, Opaque texture paste, brushes, the wooden frame and most exciting, the new Distress Crayons.

The Most Amazing Class Ever!
The Most Amazing Class Ever!

Mario made sure that we had everything we needed, he is just so lovely! Tim gave us direction and information about the products and then just let us have fun – the three hour class seemed to pass in about thirty minutes!

The Most Amazing Class Ever!

(Excuse the fuzzy photo, I took it with my phone – this man is ridiculously patient when it comes to having his photo taken!)

The Most Amazing Class Ever!

Background layers

The Most Amazing Class Ever!

Embellishments ready – its so hard to think of a word, thank you Kate for giving me an extra ‘D’!

The Most Amazing Class Ever!

The finished project.

The Gang…

The Most Amazing Class Ever!
This is Julie and I pretending to be good!
The Most Amazing Class Ever!
with Tim and Mario
The Most Amazing Class Ever!
This is a terrible photo but its the only one that Kate got into!
Sadly, it was all over so quickly, we were back on the plane at 2.30pm.  I had to catch a train from Dublin  but missed it by about 5 minutes…… so I went to a nearby hotel, ordered a bowl of pasta and a glass of wine and thought about what a great day it had been.
The Most Amazing Class Ever!
p.s. The Distress Crayons are fab…. I don’t say that about a lot if products, but I will definitely be getting more of these. Think Gelatos crossed with lipstick, love them!!
I hope you enjoyed your weekend too,
F xx