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In Blogging

Afternoon Tea Anyone?

Last Sunday Ebony and I went to Cork for the #Cloggers Afternoon Tea event.

#Cloggers is a Cork based blogging group (who kindly let us go even though we’re from Kerry) and they were holding this event in the Imperial Hotel (ver, ver nice hotel, gorgeous in fact!)

We set off early and magically got parking right outside the hotel. Now, this was when one of those strange little ‘it happened for a reason’ moments occurred. On the way up (we always say ‘up’ to Cork, when it is geographically down, I wonder why?)I had said that if we had time i’d like to go to Brown Thomas because I have a voucher to use and I had decided to spend it on skincare but didn’t know which ones (hello anti- ageing products!)
BUT, as we pulled into our usual multi storey car park we found it closed, it should have been open but perhaps someone was late for work, so as I said we found a spot on the street right outside the hotel. This meant I wouldn’t be passing Brown Thomas and decided to go after the event.

Once we got to the event we were surrounded by women who obviously knew what they were at. You didn’t have to ask what their blogs were about it was because they were all very glamorous and beautifully dressed – Beauty and Fashion bloggers for sure!

I immediately decided I was here as an impostor and at any minute my jeans, boots and I would be asked to leave. But do you know what? they were really friendly and welcoming and didn’t mind at all that I couldn’t tell my designers from my elbow. I would like to give particular thanks to Erin , Stephanie, Joyce and Cliona who were great company. Look at this, how delicious!

There were guest speakers who were all really interesting and spoke about their businesses and lives, one of those was Niamh from Holos. She spoke about her skin care range that is essential oil based, I liked the sound of it and she had two spot prizes to give away, one for relaxation and one for anti ageing. I was delighted to win one and even more delighted when the first winner chose the relaxation package (she was beautiful and had no need of the other package!) I was really happy with the prize and thought I would be picking up fewer products from Brown Thomas later…. little did I know.

Niamh from Holos.

By the time we were leaving we could hardly carry the amount of goodies we had been given! I won’t even try to list them as I will forget something but here is a small selection…..

Seriously, this doesn’t even cover the skincare products!

I was honestly blown away by the generosity of the gifts, needless to say I didn’t go shopping afterwards, and I won’t be going for some time.

Finally, these fabulous women  Marie and Richael made the day possible, thank you again!  I met lovely people, ate delicious treats and was inspired to continue blogging.

All in all it was a fantastic day!

F xx