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Christmas shopping

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Humbug Free Christmas Shopping.

Humbug Free Christmas Shopping.

Well, even though the TV and shops were shouting about it since Halloween, Christmas is finally here!

The tree is up since the 1st December (it’s never been that early before), mince pies have been consumed and Hallmark movies are on a loop.

What have I been doing since my last post you may ask… well considering that was early last year, quite a lot!

Too much to tell you really, so I’m going to skip ahead to now and pretend you’re all up to date.

Humbug free Christmas Shopping

Last Christmas I joined the Old Market Flea Β in Killarney. It is found at the back of The Laurels pub on the second Sunday of each month and every Saturday & Sunday in December.

I have been there for most of them, I think I missed two. It has been such a lovely market, I’ve met new customers and made lovely friends with other stall holders.

This Sunday is my last one for the year. It will be on for the following weekend too, but i’m declaring Christmas holidays after this one!

So, if you want to get a print, a framed print, a card or a cushion (I’ve only got three left) come in and see me.

Humbug Free Christmas Shopping

Humbug free Christmas Shopping.

(Look how nice the cushions look piled onto a bed!)

There are so many different stalls from cakes and doughnuts to wood carving and antiques. Vintage clothes and fairies to jewellery and art. With so many things in one place it definitely makes Christmas shopping Humbug free!

Have a lovely weekend,

F xx