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In Hungry?

Sugar Free Flapjacks.

Sugar free flapjacks.

We are all more aware of the sugar we eat these days. Not just in the form of sweets and chocolate but the hidden sugars that seem to be absolutely everything!

There are loads of fabulous cookbooks full of healthy living recipes, Deliciously Ella, Fearne Cotton, and Davina are some of my favourites. Now, don’t go thinking I live a fully sugar free life – I don’t. But I do feel better when I cut it down to a minimum. For years I’ve had dark circles under my eyes, ridiculous amounts of money have been spent on concealers, none of which worked. But when I cut down on sugar they got visibly better – that alone is worth resisting the cake!

When I am trying to be good this is the recipe I reach for, its really easy and keeps well.

Apple and Date Flapjacks


100g butter *

100g honey

150g Oats

1 apple, peeled and chopped

A handful of dates, chopped.

* you can use coconut oil instead of butter if you are cutting out dairy. I only use 50g though otherwise I find the flavour too strong.

Preheat the oven t0 175° and line a 1LB loaf tin.

Melt the butter and honey in a saucepan, then add the oats. Mix well.

Put half of this mixture into the tin. Press it down with a spoon, layer the chopped apple and dates on top then add the rest of the mixture. Press it down again and bake for 25 minutes.

Leave it in the tin to cool but cut it into slices while it’s still hot.

Delicious with a cup of coffee and surprisingly filling.



Felicia xx