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Artistic community

In Felicia the Artist

Bite the Biscuit…

Bite The Biscuit…

Hello, it’s been a while, how are you?

I wanted to tell you about being a biscuit.

I know I’m a bit odd (all the best people are) but a biscuit?

“What like a custard cream or a chocolate digestive?” I hear you ask.

Not quite. One day I was lucky enough to meet a woman who said, “You need to join ‘Bite the Biscuit’, it’s brilliant.”

So, intrigued, I went to Facebook and requested to join this group for creatives.

It’s run by a fabulous woman named Tara Boo – she is a rare creature – she has an incredible business brain and understands that creative people (not all, but A LOT of us don’t).

Her mission in life is to get creative people of every kind, poets, photographers, cake makers, artists, life coaches,( the list goes on…) to be able to run their businesses AND MAKE MONEY.

She will not tolerate us saying, “You want to buy this thing I’ve made? but it’s not very good really – I was going to charge €100 for it, but really, you can have it for nothing…” and if you have ever tried to sell your work then I bet you’ve had that conversation!

She also has a love of cows and facial hair…….

Tara Boo

Anyway, I joined this group and here is what I found.

It is welcoming, it isn’t bitchy, no one is going to steal your ideas. It is full of people who are at different stages of their artistic journey. Some are just starting with an idea, some are turning their hobby into paying for itself, some are fully living the dream, making a decent living doing what they love.

They will all give you advice if you ask for it. They will answer questions about where to get this or that. They will share their knowledge and information about markets and exhibitions.

They will give you amazing support, the biggest cheer when you post about your work.  Tara fully encourages #ShowOffFriday do you remember the ‘Snap cup’ in Legally Blonde? Yeah, it’s like that, snaps for everyone who has something to show off about this week!

It’s like a big family. I have made so many friends and we actually get to meet up, real live Biccies all in one place. The creative energy at those meet ups in incredible – you go home totally inspired and raring to go.

There is business training, resources, even discounts from suppliers, if you want to learn how to do this properly then this is where you need to be.

You might be wondering why i’m telling you this?

Well, to keep this community going and to allow Tara to do what she does best, it’s time to give something back.

If you think you’d benefit from this group, then request to join here 

Then, you can support the group by becoming a Backer or just buy Tara a cup of coffee (virtual coffee that is) the cost of a couple of coffees can really make a difference to the artistic/ creative world


I cannot explain how much this group has changed my path as an artist (thank goodness says you, or you’d still be reading this next week!)

My name is Felicia and I am proud to be a Biscuit!