This photo was taken on Christmas day, all of us, my Mum and the dogs (Boo is in Molly’s arms but hiding behind me.) Toby is wearing a paper hat from dinner!
And this one was taken on St. Stephens day (or Boxing day) while I was out and about in the Hags Glen. Tim was busy climbing Carrontuohill for the 35th consecutive St. Stephens day, ( !!!!!) but I didn’t much like the look of the sleety, snowy, cold, slippery mountain so I went for a lovely long, low level walk instead.
( I am officially a light weight!)
This year has been eventful….. its had ups and downs as most years do, I have considerably fewer fingers then I started the year with….. but it has been pretty good, everyone is healthy and happy.
I have a huge list of goals and wishes for 2014, there will be a good bit of house renovation (I’m getting itchy feet about the hallway, Pinterest is a killer!) some kitchen cupboard reorganising and some vague idea about sorting paperwork properly (if I spent as much time doing it as reading blog posts about it I would be the Queen of organised!!)
There are the usual threats of learning to speak French, of drinking more water and keeping my car tidy. But I think I shall put “appreciating what I have ” at the top of the list and that will be a good one to achieve.
Oh yes, my word of the year is…..ABUNDANCE!!
I wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. xxxxx