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art journal

In Felicia the Artist

Art Journal class with Karen Mathews.

I was going to blog about this class the very next day, but here I am FOUR weeks later!
Better late than never.
The lovely Karen Mathews came to teach her art journal class at my house, her art journal is beautiful ( if you ever get to meet her have a peek)  
We did two journal layouts, the first was a double page spread featuring a jar of hearts.

                                               This is when the table was somewhat organized.

                                                                      Thats Karen!

                                                                      Getting messier…

                                                                 I love this page!

                                               paint covered hands are not for everyone!

                                                And then we started on the lettering page:

 It turns out that those Inktense pencils that I’ve had for years are the best fun ever!

Everyone found the day to be really relaxing, it flew by and was a great way to either add to or get started on our art journals. Thinking of what to write after “Just be” was trickier than you would think!

It was such a good class that when everyone was gone and the kitchen was back to looking like a kitchen  I sat down and added another page.
Thank you Karen for coming all the way down to Kerry, and thank you to all the ladies who came.