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In Felicia the Artist

New Year, New Dreams.

Well, the dictionary/thesaurus had to come out to find THE word for 2013, and I have yet to find one that means everything I want it to……..  maybe I need to simplify things and stop trying to add so many traits to myself!
So, I finally decided on LEARN – plain and simple, learn to do new things, learn more about the things I already know.

 We are having a spell of mild weather which means lots of walks, these pictures were taken at Muckross & Dinis in Killarney. Its a 10km round circuit and when we saw these floods we started to wonder if we’d get round….

                               Isn’t it pretty though? thats the only good thing about all the rain we get!

 So, 8km into the circuit we came across this flood and our choices were turn back or wade through… I cannot tell how cold the water was, my feet went blue!!

I have lots of plans and goals for this year, one of which is to be as organised as possible. If i’m stressing about something I wake up in the middle of the night in a panic, so hopefully being more organised (like having a month of class plans done) will help.
I have a huge list of “in my wildest dreams” wishes, like going to America this year to do art classes with 2 of my favourite artists (one of them doesn’t give classes, thats how random this list is!) but my absolute top wish is this……
Thats it, plain and simple, To be healthy in every way and be happy with our lives.

I wish that for anyone reading this too!!

In Felicia the Artist

Merry Christmas!

Well, i’m sure everyone has been busy leading up to yesterday…. and now its all over! We had a lovely day, quiet, delicious food, very relaxing.

I love this week between Christmas and New Year – its kind of a limbo where I get all the days confused. This year though i’m teaching a class tomorrow afternoon and then a camp for the next two days. Thats probably a good thing, it means i’ll have to get dressed and venture out instead of being a total hermit! ( I LOVE staying at home)

Its also about now I get all inthused to start online classes and new habits. I don’t like new years eve at all, for some reason I find it a sad occasion (which is very odd considering i’m a glass half full kinda person) but the new year is a new start, a clean slate, and each year i’m getting a bit better at making goals and actually (nearly!) achieving them.

Today i’m going to start my list of things I’d like to achieve in 2013 and then choose my “Word”. If you could achieve anything in the coming year (like anything in your wildest dreams) what would it be? i’ll have a think about it and then show you my list, learning to speak French is on it every year….. but i’m getting better at it.
I think for my new list i’ll need a new journal so i’m going to make something to write it all in, ooh, a project! just what I need today!